IBM Blockchain World Wire

Money is conceived and designed to move, yet people and business still pay for it to travel across borders – arbitrary lines drawn on maps that define the realms of financial institutions and corporations. In the digital world, these lines have even less relevance.

In this campaign, we showcased IBM Blockchain World Wire, a Blockchain-based money transfer solution that makes it possible to clear and settle cross-border payments in seconds.

Using blockchain technology and the Stellar protocol, World Wire has enabled payment locations in 72 countries, with 47 currencies and 44 banking endpoints.

We demonstrated how IBM Blockchain is erasing arbitrary lines to enable money and business to flow across borders faster than ever across the world, even in the remotest of places.

We also created an installation at SIBOS 2018, a global financial services networking event organised by SWIFT, to showcase the capabilities of IBM Blockchain.

This work is part of the global IBM Let’s Put Smart to Work campaign.

Blockchain World Wire POV Paper.jpg
IBM Blockchain World Wire - KV

In addition to the film, we also created various assets, such as KV, display banners, social assets, and digital OOH. We also developed a publication that explains in detail how the solution works.

Download the PDF


Art Direction, Event, Installation, Film